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Begin Your Journey to
Health &

-Linda Travis-

Natural Herbs
Strength Challenge

Meet Dr. Ethan Lucas

Our Founder, Ethan Lucas, is an Author, Theologian, Holistic Ontologist, Naturopath, and Health & Life Coach who specializes in many areas of health and wellness for the Spirit, Soul, and Body. Ethan's approach to health and success (in any and all areas of life) is a process he calls Whole Life Integration Therapy (WLIT)®.  He founded LifeShield Health Co. to create a company that bases the achievement of success in every area of life on this holistic process. While most life, health, and wellness practitioners focus on only one limited area of one's self, Ethan's holistic approach ensures that every aspect of one's being is completely healthy, as focus on only one area often leaves one in a perpetual state of mediocrity, imbalance, lack, or unhappiness, even if no one single overbearing problem exists.  Everything in life is connected and it must be treated as such.


(Ethan Lucas is a doctor of theology, a holistic physician and naturopathic practitioner, and is not engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatric medicine and surgery, in any of its branches, nor in any form of dietetics.)


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Meet Lexi Panagos

Lexi is an expert in Astrology and Tarot, and she uses those energetic principles in her coaching practice.  She specializes in Sound & Frequency Healing & Alignment for health and wellness.  She also instructs and coaches in areas of yoga and herbalism.  She utilizes many of Ethan's principles and approaches to health and success with Whole Life Integration Therapy (WLIT)®.  Lexi has a unique ability to bridge the gap between the modern traditional world and the rawness of Spirit. Her background in Arts & Humanities, and Communication & Behavioral Science at the collegiate level, brings her into a class all of her own, coupled with the immense knowledge and experience she has in what most would call the "New Age" realm.  But of course nothing about the ancient arts and sciences is new, and Lexi has found a unique practice to a holistic understanding with it all, making sense of modern life, in the context of ancient practices and principles.  Energy is everything, and her focus on the ability of each and everyone of us, to learn to channel that energy, at the root level in the metaphysical, and manifest it in the physical, is the central core of her practice.


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Meet Deneca Inacio

Deneca, is a Master Herbalist, Energy Healer, and Life Coach.  She comes from a long background of Amazonian plant medicine and Ayurvedic studies overseas.  Drawing from a grassroots, real world format of study, for over three decades now, she has custom tailored her own style of coaching and healing that has helped hundreds of people, not only recover from devastating life circumstances, but also to grow into their full potential of greatness.  Blending traditional shamanism with Indian and Asian medicine, and incorporating that into spiritual energy work, Deneca is able to offer a unique approach that is comfortable and invigorating to people from many walks of life.


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Practice Areas

Below are the areas of practice that LifeShield Health Co. currently works in:


Life & Health Coaching

We can help you achieve your goals in life, whether it's spiritual, physical, financial, or personal.


Personal Training & Yoga

Whether you're looking for physical training through active or a more passive means, we've got you covered!


Nutrition & Naturopathy

We offer the broadest base of knowledge sharing and integrative work in the area of nutrition and naturopathy.


Dream Work &

We use the most comprehensive, time-tested, proven rapid transformation techniques in the field of hypnosis and dream work therapy, to help you reprogram the subconscious mind, where the very root of your problems exist.


Reiki, Reflexology &
Swiss Reflex Therapy

Reiki and Reflexology (including Swiss Reflex Therapy) address the energy blockages in your body, that hinder your natural ability to heal and maintain optimal health.


Aroma Acupressure, Detox &
Muscle Augmentation PolarityTM

Acupressure and MAPTM both approach healing with similar concepts as Reiki and Reflexology, but with more of a whole body and hands on approach to increasing energy flow and eliminating blockages. Both will enable your body's maximization of detoxing abilities.

Practice Areas

When you book an appointment, we will first discuss with you what your problems or goals are, and will custom tailor a program to fit your needs. We are here to help you to solve your problems and achieve your goals.

© 2003 - 2024 LifeShield Health Co.

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