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Ethan Lucas (Founder of LifeShield Health Co.) has spent over two decades honing his specialized practice, in many related fields of health and wellness for Spirit, Soul, and Body.  Below are the most notable achievements and fields of study that Ethan has mastered and continues to study rigorously:


- Certified Master Personal Trainer

- Certified Corrective & Recovery Exercise Specialist

- Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach (DNA-based specialty)

- Certified Iridologist

Dr. Ethan Lucas, ThD, NP
Post Doctoral Training

- Certified Reflexologist & Acupressurist

- Certified Dream Therapist & Hypnotherapist

- Certified Reiki Master

- Certified Transcendental Meditation Master

- Certified Master Herbalist


- The Ohio State University: Psychology

- New Eden School of Natural Health: Naturopathy

- NHI College - Natural Healing Institute: Herbology

- North Central Theological Seminary: Theology

- International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA): Personal Training & Nutrition

When you book an appointment, we will first discuss with you what your problems or goals are, and will custom tailor a program to fit your needs. We are here to help you to solve your problems and achieve your goals.

© 2003 - 2024 LifeShield Health Co.

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